where are you?
are you amongst the twighlight
hiding under flower petal
watching raindrops walking in the leaves?
are you resting amongst a sigh
perched upon the breath
of a lonely widow?
are you sleeping in a cocoon
with closed eyelash and warm threads
comforting your awakening today?
are you sparkling again
in a blanketed tear
inspiring love and tenderness?
are you chaperoning the pandas
awaiting their fall with open arms,
clean water and stories?
are you in the company of orphans
in search of a home, with an open ear
and sympathy?
are you in a box of crayons
or a brush, suggesting the colors,
bending strokes, easing confusion?
are you alone on the rooftop
pretending to converse with moon
so that it has a companion tonight?
i think that each of us is capable of being midwives to our personal philosophies and thus can easily dissuade the influence of powerhouse schools of thought we find pervasive in mass media, our parents, church, and even institutions of learning. i think we can be assassins of mediocrity and boredom, and can prove to ourselves that the world is not set...that we are authors of our books, spies of our perceptions, and scientists of our behaviors.
December 11, 2005
December 07, 2005
I suck at life

Wubble Wubble…there's nothing like the tire swing in your gut when your ears pick up the succession of stilettos increasing by decibel, like a possibly maybe time capsule sent overnight delivery. But the gut is an asshole in disguise by factory design, a one word extinguisher that sends out way too many commands in morse code. I guess the best way is to change the i/o setup so the signal flows clean. I just wanna lock pupils sometimes with a human with a funhouse mirror in hand. Everyone's so concerned with distortion and now now now type validation existence in the eyeballs that it hurts my feelings and my style. If there was some unemployed Kung Fu master of some beatnik school on earth that was down to share the info, I would graciously join the team. Then he or she could format my hard drive with some ill ass programs like walk on water 2.0 or disarm an assassin robot version 7 or something worth taking up brain span. But even better, if I could track down a flutist with mad estrogen who can keep up with my chaotic jazz style that would be pretty. I came up on a geek ass band today who killed it in 3 of my senses, almost 4 because I almost tasted it. They brought the hottest sauce, I was about to fall apart and shed some…soul they had…powerful goodness. When they snuck in Thelonious I fucking stated to myself "no competition" and turned by entire body almost 180 degrees…that felt I had. I saw the sad faced girl again. It's like she's automatically sad, not depressed, but sad an extra mile. I almost understand, like 70 percent with an 8 percent error. Just seeing that makes me think I'm not alone almost, like I wasn't the only alien left behind. I just wanna wake up after a time that I fall asleep and find that my outer shell has finally let up. Then I'll be legit and start looking for gravity so that I can kick it in the chest because it will be that time. For now I'll just keep the peace and continue to work on my distress signal. It'll happen. I just need to grow some patience and read more of Einstein's poetry. Fuck I'm on fumes…i need a soft landing
December 05, 2005
Intelligent Design is purty but flowers don't save relationships

Fuckety fuck fuck! I know that this subject is an irrefutably futile banter between who did what and where it came from but it gives my brain a big fat hard-on. So to preface this mental masturbation session, I'll reference the why.
Inspired by a respectably recent decision made by the Kansas state board of education, I'll postulate about the debate between the creation of the universe, the Adam and Eve vs. the Big Bang, the hot wing vs. the organic egg, the bullshit vs. destiny. In Kansas, as well as a handfull of other hippie states in the southeast, the inclusion of the theory of evolution to science curriculum has been a major controversy with policymakers. The issue lies within a group of individuals who desire to include their notion of evolution that is termed "Intelligent Design." What is ID?
ID is the idea that the evolution of the universe is due to an intelligent force. Theorized by a man Michael Behe, it states that there exists a design, a certain relationship between cells and molecules that cause evolution. Behe's theory denotes that his theory is scientific, not of religious derivations, which various scientists deem absurd and extreme. Behe argues against Darwin's pop theory of evolution (There exists natural selection, that evolution is rooted in the idea that given a gene pool, it's breeding members will pass on its genetic characteristics. The most adaptative will surpass extinction.) stating that aimless evolution, evolution by chance, is an absurd black box. He defines black box meaning an unexplainable function. Behe explains that certain beliefs of biology during Darwin's time were accepted but unexplained, such as the microbiological composition of the eye. Now scientists refuse to accept his theory into their field, claiming that it cannot be proven and possess religious inclinations. They say that ID belives that the is an intelligent design to the relationship of cells, thus inferring a designer, possibly a God, possibly aliens. God is a religion. Religion is not science. Science is theories that can be tested, refuted, etc. Religion is not that.
Behe uses the example of a rat trap to illustrate the concept of irreducible complexity to contest Darwin's theory of evolution. Darwin believes that without slight succesive modification, then the existence of any complex organ would cease. Behe uses irreducible complexity to agree with Darwin, that complex systems or organs are dependent upon their interdependent ingredients to exist and function. The rat trap for example, consists of wood slate, hammer, spring, screws. etc. If any part of the element were to be removed, then the rat trap as a whole could not exist. It could not function. They are interdependent. This here then exists a design. These elements work together to exist as another whole, to function. Behe also equates this example with the function of proteins with amino acids to form DNA, life.
Now the questions that arise are of the following; What explains the relationship between these elements? Did these relationships just happen to be coincidence? Does God exist due to this relationship?
Behe's school of thought is viewed by many scholars as absurd, not only because he appealed to the public before his fellow peers, but also that they believe his shit isn't science. I believe that his shit is very valid, that there does exists beautiful designs that make biology and the creation of organisms sound like the creation of jazz. Behe should have not come out yet with this theory. He should have kicked it more, experimenting and finding tangible, vivid warrants for his claim. Behe pretty much said a big fuck you to scientists that have devoted their lives to unraveling the nuances of life by obervation on the molecular level and in this vein he loses points. I believe that Behe has a beautiful notion of evolution on a philosophical tip, but he has a long hill to climb up not only with his peers but for the sake of this theory. Many "absurd" notions of the "facts" of life have been rectified after time like the shape of the world, the continually expanding universe, tofu, and the absolute awesomeness of penguins. But for now, Behe took a fat shit on himself and needs to clean up his act, so that naturalist and LSD induced Satoris will keep a spot in the "dopest moments" timeline.
December 02, 2005
Watch that first step....tzzzzt
Sometimes your life force be all accumulated into something fierce, like one of a crackhead in discovery of an aristocrat's money clip, with dead Jackson's face weaping willowed all over. But these shits happen upon you in public realms and when you get called out and poked in the blush face, salvation's in the shrugging of the shoulders like "happens yo, mind your shit." I loves this kinda full bread eccentricity. It's fleeting like many ups, but this spice should be harnessed man, kept under the control, full focused 20/20 kung fu. Never boogaloo in the shower with out tub grips because you crack your skull open and spike the water pink. Paaanow Paaaahhhhhnow!!!
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