I'm not one to enter discourse or speak of what i don't comprehend confidently, but i have an inspiring idea of what quantum physics entails.
essentially, take these two words and consider the epistemic concepts behind them. quantum, or i suppose quantic are words that infer "probability" or chance or a probablistic framework. physics i'm sure you are familiar with. so given these two variables, we can say that quantum physics is the study of probability and the study of that within the world we live in or so we seem to percieve.
for me to even speak of this is almost an insane course of action because it is fairly new, and semmingly inconcievable, nonetheless asks for more research and understanding...
but dont stop there. quantum physics more importantly deals with cells, atoms and particles, quantum particles. what quantum physics says is that if we deconstruct everything around us, everything, then everything is connected on that myopic level. some believe that we are simple arrangements of certain molecules, some believe carbon. but considering this, quantum physics comes into play saying that these molecules and particles that everything is made of has an unpredictable behavior...it cannot be predicted accurately. these molecules do what they do, free spirited with no pattern. even on the smallest known level, within atoms, and as far as electrons, these things are unpredictable.
quantum physics even says that these molecules can take up two locations at once, and if you were to understand this on a more human and general scale, then that could mean what that our physical bodies could be two places at once, even more. this is very difficult for the mind to fathom and concieve, but it is interesting enough to consider.
now, given this open-minded framework, quantum physics poses a few valid questions.
1. couldn't it be possible that nothing is predetermined?
2. given the last question, what of free will?
what i'm about to provide now is even more of a mindfuck. for any given individual to be on this level, they must attempt to step outside of themself, consider and be open to the fact that every thing we encounter, what we see more specifically, isn't exactly what is. for example intent vs. perception. we at many instances percive communicative messages differently or even completely opposite of the intended message of the sender, which means that are pereptions aren't exactly what many believe is "truth". the word truth is in my opinion is very dogmatic and close minded. what is truth? can we prove information?
what i was saying before is that what we percieve isn't exactly what IS. this concept brings into view the influence of thoughts. our thoughts CREATE things, for a lack of a better noun. "things", meaning matter, objects, anything is born by thoughts. a chair is only a chair because it is defined, and contrasted by things that are not chairs. by what Plato referred to as "the negative", things are only things because they aren't other things. but remember, on the deepest myopic level, everything is connected, atomically, made of the same smallest mode of comparison. so if our thoughts create these things, couldn't it be probable that to us, we can manifest reality? couldn't a chair be something else. if a caveman saw a chair, would they comprehend or register it as we do?
so the mindfuck i was talking about....our thoughts, according to quantum physics, can influence other things, physically, and on a subatomic level. in this pseudo documentary " WHAT THE BLEEP", which is discusses quantum physics, used an example which takes form of an experiment conducted by a scientist. basically, the scientist conducted an experiment about how thoughts may influence matter, physically. he took various bottles of water, and placed them in containers with different words written on them. these words consisted of love, thank you, hate, and others. so with these water containers, he had monks meditate on them, focusing pure thought only on these water containers according to what was written on them. he then placed samples of these water containers under a microscope and found molecular patterns, contrasting among each word. the results indicated different water molecule images. the one with love created what i percieved to be a beautiful snowflake-like form. the one with thank you looked similar. the one with hate looked aesthetically unappealing, with no particular pattern. interesting, how there was no synthetic alteration or physical influence on these water samples, yet they changed due to the influence of non-physical means, thought.
given this experiment, another more mindblowing question is posed? what influence does thoughts have on us, on our bodies, on our environment, on others? could we manifest the sequence of occurences in our own lives? if we without a doubt believe something, could it come into existence?
i'll leave it at this juncture, but quantum physics entails these ideas if i described them accurately. i'm not a scientist but i do have an interest in this field of study.
"anything is possible"... this mantra is something i've always accepted. what do you think?
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