If a nightmare is a spatchula then my ass is whipped cream...shit was vivid---{It's darker than the inside of eyelids, then the moon unzipps the sky to molest us with it's eyes while luminating the rooftop as if questioning the whereabouts on a monday night. My old man is looking at almost 35 attenas, the kind that feeds food to our television set. He says "what channels should we order". Then i see myself negotiating a treaty to my sister on the bench, on the rooftop. In harmony, we say "the animal channel, the music channel, and the food channel" like we were a Nat and Natalie Cole duet. My old man's brows extend their wingspans in what-the-fuck speed. Me and my sister point to three attenas that were blinking like "look over here, we are blinking, fuck" so we say those attenas are what we need. Then the old man starts to malfunction and sparks are fireworking out of his dome and then the most dissonant sonic boom of "goddamnit!" spews out of that hole in his face and i get pissed off all over the place and yell this exact phrase---> "aahhhhh" except I play my vocals too meistro and wake myself up from the dream....this was the first time that the waking life was juked out by the R.E.M. life...no escaping the blush face...i'm sure that scream scissor kicked my roomate awake some...so i couldn't sleep afterwards...i was too embarassed of myself from my own perspective witness...a few hours later some lady knocks on my door and i peek through the cheat hole...she's carrying a bible and i saw it necessary to earn my come uppins from being mind raped by those cacaphonic evangelists at school last week...so i strip to my nature suit except i put on my chef's hat and answer the door...then i do a drive by seduction stare and and say "ooooohhhh" like the way kids do when they catch someone fucking up...she goes "eyeee" and does this whiplash flinch number, retaliates with the sign of the cross runs off...i was the devil i guess...fuck valentines day
1 comment:
Damn...that all I can say...damn.
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