there are six sides to a pencil and i never noticed this...and many other things go unnoticed...and smells go unsmelled...all the details are washed away. Has anyone stood there to count the leaves or even name the colors? It's time to make an effort to memorize what my friends smell like and what their carpets and upholstery smell like because I disregard what people smell like, except powerful perfume like the one that my boss wears "church candles", "coconut insides" for my professor, and "pillow sleep" for my cat.
it's also time to be generous, generous with eye contact for the people i pass by. There is a tendency to look away when passing by someone who has energy intimidating intimidating intimidating and the way we look away perpetuates this awful message about the nature of strangers, who are really just friends that haven't started high fiving...when looking away, it's better to look at the lips instead of right (if they pass by the left) or left (if they pass by the right) because it's offensive to habit the smugness that is not you...the smugness that transmits the message "I'm too good to be your friend" by the way you look away. When animals look at us, they pass no can read an animal's eyes...they aren't saying "so you are not much like me" or these eyes aren't saying "so you are much like me, let's team up against the unlike." No no no these eyes don't say that. Animal eyes are all "what are you about to do right now because if it's to slide that hand of yours across my head then i'll let you, but if not then i think i'll run away and hide under something so i can watch things go by or explode."
We should pretend that we won't see each other ever again and that our acquaintance will be temporary, that this event is especially special, which means that we will fuck each others minds until we get tired of it.
We should let our minds be playful, promiscuous, as getting someone to laugh is an orgasm in far beautiful ways we won't regret.
You flatulated from your mouth,
it wreaked of love and humor,
Sil lent lee I hug you now,
why didn't you postulate sooner?
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