After a brief cameo in Long Beach, I've supposed a few denouements about the ecosystem i had once experimented and evolved in. However I must precede these ideas by the fact that judging a city solely by aesthetics, weather conditions, businesses to pig out at and places to inebriate ourselves in MUST be largely superseded by the criticism of common folk who occupy the landscape, as it is humans who curb or cartel the sweeping energy of city to city. This being propped, I will say that the grub is mediocre, the weather laudable, and social scene quite lackluster. This entry is starting to feel only two strides away from a yelp blurb.
2 Things:
NOT ALL...but LOTS of kats are just dying here...whether or not they were transplanted or native, i FEEL that these humans are deteriorating. This is one of a few reasons i migrated north. Long Beach carts the drugged out "when in Rome" mantra so heavily that it feels icky. Heaps and stacks of kids are just fucked-up all the time, functioning or disfunctioning day to day, WAITING for Aladdin's carpet to swoop them up bearing 45 degrees bound luck-ville. I DO believe we should and will get that big break one day or the at least our biggest break we will ever get but sedating ourselves with false senses of security in the meantime while calling it a party yet it's every day, cheap (yet expensive) thrills substituting for NECESSARY exposure to pain, and putting around our PERSONAL yet insecurity-driven verses from the book of ideology to quell the fear of self-actualization will probably get old soon. And fuck yes it's hard and some have it more rough than I will ever know, but we gotta TRY and we gotta hustle our at our best and work on it...setting examples for our friends so that THEY get inspired from our struggle.
NOT All...but almost everybody knows each other. I FEEL that i can concoct proper nomenclatures for all the tribes and cliques from Atlantic to West 4th St. This may sound like a good thing but I feel that situations like these breed warriors of anonymity, which certainly argues for our Individualistic tendency. It is assumed this statement is in accord with knocking subcultures in LBC but the intention is to emphasize the notion that there, everybody is separated by only 2 degrees, meaning that if Picaboo Flemming finds out he farts fire, then tells Margaret Nemoy, Luscious Weinner, former best friend of Picaboo but current nemesis will have found out and thus impregnating all associates with this news. So basically, you can't even pass gas without everyone finding out. It is for this reason, being an anonymous hippapotamous has value.
Beyond these OPINIONS, i still have a spot for long beach in my corazon and it still sports a charm like no other city i've been to....this love is bolstered by the diversity and acceptance of diversity, as LBC is a universal city.
In another report.......
I was blessed by a shaman for the first time in my life. This in turn, possibly placebo and possibly coinciding other energy influences, has made me whole, and pure, and free-flowing. The shaman was actually a mother of a new friend and a shaman of the Hmongtype. She in no way appeared cliche or trite at all. I came into this situation by chance. I had no bleeding agenda or desire other than a basic spiritual cleansing. i did receive a proper dose of goodness though. The ceremony went as follows...
I was given options. I declined a card induced reading into the future because I didn't want to abuse that knowledge or curtail "my future." I accepted a "good luck" ritual and a hand-reading of my past. In the good luck ritual, "S" (the shaman) used an egg, two white candles, a bowl, and a bottle of water. She first prompted me to sit up and naturally I refrain from much movement or verbal communication. Then she lit the candle and grafted it to the plate, then proceeded to chant and wave the plate in front of my face. She then took the raw egg and rubbed it from place to place on my body while chanting. This actually took quite some time and I began to relax, remove my skepticism, and I almost fell asleep. While this was occurring, I was given previous instructions to focus on what I want removed from me such as things in my life that I found unpleasant or un-beneficial. Afterward S put the egg under the candle flame for a couple of seconds and cracked it into the bowl. She then examined the yolk and chanted summore. S then extinguished one of the candle flames into the bowl. I can't remember all of it but I know that there was more chanting afterward.
After this section was complete, S then read my palm and indicate two things about me which can be construed as general but I feel are true. She indicated that I had one serious and painful heart-break and one minor. Then she said I was fortunate and wonderfully blessed/born with good luck. S then stated that I am in great health. Lastly, she stated that this year and the following year do not hold much luck for me but that the following year holds large, large, large amounts of luck and success and many great things will happen to me at that time.
The last act was a blessing. S recited a blessing and blessed me. She also blessed a bottle of water and I was given a sort of prescription. i was told that after every shower in the morning, to pour some of the water on my head and drink some. She said by doing so I will attain things that I want in life and be welcomed with good luck. S also told me that on the 31st of this month (tomorrow), followed by the 1st and 2nd of next month, right when i wake, i should give thanks to what I have and wish/ask for things i do want, which will then come true.
When my stay was complete, I felt (possibly placebo induced) wonderful and peaceful and calm. I've always wanted to experience a ceremony of sorts and I believe that the next time will be a great one. Maybe I'll try a different one.
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