September 24, 2009

dragon loose upon the karaoke bar

a lover's kiss be the stamp
send it via hawk
send it via spock
scotty beam it
between the eyes
dionysus spies
lurking in the cirrus and the nimbus
in the ribbons in his kite
shiny quarter for the mints
one milkshake and two straws
probably cause
his sled pulled by dogs
to her face
while mine needs gauze
they yell timber
castle crushed
cosmic jellyfish calling her bluff
ref sees stars
kid's had enough
ruff and tumble
windows barred
is it worth collecting scars

September 23, 2009

russian roulette

sometimes questions force themselves into awkward encounters
like medieval bulgarian battering rams
and like battering rams,
access is gained into a space
which is otherwise intently protected
...and stonewalled

some ancients and eastern customs
withhold the practice of posing questions
because of the belief that
questions are the unholy offspring
of greed, impatience,
or refusal to listen

maybe questions are conducive to these beliefs

September 14, 2009

there is too much pepper on my paprikash

holy shit man people are getting married! i know these people!
thats like unexpectedly hitting a checkpoint, which makes you think dang,
i've distilled for some time now, and the riping process is constant...

"never run away from the time police!!
you will not survive"!!!!!
--->you gotta sing that real baroque

so that shoved me onto this rollercoaster during my meditation
and i was listening to the strokes
and plucking the guitar
made of glass
made me fantasize
via delorean
at the bar i'm playing a set
and that superb song
with the screams
make your face scrunch ambitiously
so my old rhetoric professor enters
and i dedicated it her into the mic
"professor H this song i built for you
just in case you walked in"
and everyone boos, madness
at that gorgonzola shit
and every lick thereafter
strung along a joke
half truth half ostrich in the dirt sing speak
"professor H, my secret's terminated
linda hamilton
golden lady
i'd like to go theeeeerrre"
then i chase my professor
out the bar but she drops a piece of paper
and i call her back
but she says keep it
and we are to go dancing at this spot
and on the linoleum
we may cripwalk or
go skanking
but instead i do the pop, pop, poppin'
and her robot is convincing
i get a C on the midterm

September 02, 2009

this is my shadow, do you do

if intercepting correspondence unintended for my eyes is evil,
then you may summon me as Dick, Bush, or the immensely underrated
Hu Jintao...

...the following authors are recipients of an extended welcome
to my club called friend