(co narrated by the penguin & the otter pup
on pad and pen off Jack Keruac Avenue)
Spud met Angela at the bar by her school.
He had his high tops on and was lookin'
so, so fly.
Though in her eyes it wasn't the case.
He was twitterpated to see her...
taking notice of her hair, the way
she leaned slightly to the right on her
barstool and how her friends were
well engaged in the conversation.
He felt a twinge of anxiety; but dove
right in. What else can you do in such
a situation? Take a breath, Spud.
They exchanged formalities, which
quickly led to a visit to the bartender.
He ruminated on the comings and goings
of her day, and how it unfolded, if she was
at all thinking of him. Previous to this visit,
he contemplated on how to go about the
evening's maneuvers.
And she was thinking of him, truth be told,
wondering about what he was up to and
what might happen that night. If a vacant
spot appeared on her mind, he was quick
to fill it.
Spaces to fill were holes upon holes of
uncertainty, yet the misery of mystery
was a charm bracelet. Leaves and feathers
fettered and reasons for flight witheld,
her eyes and batting of them and the glare
of the lamp or the streetlight upon them
is all that he desired.
Spud ordered a drink and returned to
Angela's side. They booth took a sip.
Words were hard to come by in the
moment, but they exchanged looks and
mirrored their postures and let the rest of
the crowd became a blur.
And he became sick of this game and
wanted to talk to her now, now....
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