August 11, 2008

suspended in the sky with rainbow suspenders

~~you ate my crappy omelete but smiled anyway~~ to Margot

like magpies magnetized on the corner of laguna and hayes
luck-charmed and kissing croissant flaked lips...and...
speaking soft word on the syncopated step...with....
that arm-ta-lumbar interlock,
like midnight rat in talons de hawk
for the free ride not homicide

with your coiffure in a mess and those tendrils i obsess
and obsess and obsess like
Dionysus dry mouthed strolling through the
a hound snooping around your flower bed,
unearthing a cachet of sublime redolence
with each tinge an overdose and...
breath after breath is death after death and...
i am not worthy of these immortal formalities

My lips two fish bound side by side
portraying parabolic impressions
out the emerald lagoon,
to languish and swoon
from scapula to clavicle to ear and behind...with....
smooth water style upon both third eyes,
salmon pair schooling selves with skill
will glide and glide then
retire upon thrills of rose flushed cheeks,
and gallantly perish, a journey so meek.

From Jack

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