July 28, 2005

Consumption-sumption, fuck your function

These words were rambled approximately 2 years ago. I thought it could be immortalized like the rest of my rants.

Feminism is the philosophy that men and women should be politically, economically, and socially equal; an organized activity on the behalf of this principle. More specifically, it is the desire of equal rights, absence of discrimination, and equal status of women. When references are made to the concept of feminism, the common perception is of a global struggle against oppression and injustice of women. Due to the history of women’s rights and the media portrayal of women, it is clear why many consider the ideas of struggle and injustice when referring to feminism. In the history of the US, women had yet to achieve the legal status of a person. Women could not serve on juries, nor could they vote, make legal contracts, or hold property in their own name.
The feminist movement was the pursuit of equal status for women and within the movement were feminists destined to induce reformation of rights and privileges for women. The movement transpired through two waves and is still in motion. The first wave of the movement consisted of two branches. A radical branch that desired reformation of societal institutions, and a conservative branch that focused on women’s suffrage. The result of the wave was the right of woman to vote in 1920. The second wave involved the improvement of women’s work roles to issues such as reforming violence policies against women. In addition, both the liberal and conservative positions had radical wings. The radical elements entailed hostility toward men on the liberal side and a return to traditional family roles on the conservative side. The third wave which is in progress even today focuses on values that underlie work and the social institutions. And these values, power, competition, and others as feminists point out, are representative of “male” qualities. Feminists believe that “female” values such as openness, cooperation, and others should be added to the “male” values.
The women that struggled to achieve these aims comprised of intelligent writers, skillful artists, and dominant leaders, feminists and suffragists. An example of a woman that struggled for equality was Elizabeth Blackwell. She was a woman famous for being America’s first female doctor. After facing prejudice at medical school and being rejected from admission into American hospitals, she opened a clinic in New York City and refused to concede. Another woman who struggled for equal status was Betty Friedan. She was an author honored for her best seller “The Feminine Mystique”, a book that challenged the traditional roles of women. Furthermore, Friedan was a cofounder the National Organization for woman and the First Women’s Bank. Whereas these two mentioned women are symbolic icons of women’s history; one of the most significant female progressives of all time is Susan B. Anthony. Not only did she struggle incessantly for women’s suffrage, but also towards the emancipation of the slaves.

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