July 28, 2005

Some day...

Someday, I will conjure a spell in the form of music. It will be derived from the purest of emotional seeds. It will be egoless. It will be molded into an album. It will be mailed to a strong and trustworthy soul. The soul will send it to a trustworthy record label. The album will not be traced back to a name, but an unknown alias. It will lead to the profit of millions. The profit will be bound to a contract that states” the proceeds of this album are willed to the people of Africa”. No one will be famous.

Someday I will find the courage to give up my love for Allison Eaton and be a nomadic monk that I am by default.

Someday I will loose attachment to all unworldly things and live prosperously with a look of emptiness in the speckle of my pupils.

Someday my refrigerator will fill to the brim and I wont know what to do?

Someday my body will decompose and form into an orchid, a pecan pie, and a coyfish.

Someday I will remember all the late-night, insane thoughts that swim through the crevices in my brainium and invent a new school of thought.

Someday I will eat a mediocre bowl of soup and reminisce about the "old days" and really trip the fuck out.

Someday I will belly-slide with penguins shortly after hugging the fuck out of those buggers.

Someday I will learn how to nonverbally communicate efficiently enough to render verbal metaphors obsolete.

Someday I will continue this reflection.

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