August 21, 2005

Wearing caps in other angles and tapping feet to other beats

I won't make bets on who's dogma could rip the neckveins out of another dogma. It's like alphebetizing skittles. I will always defend the step back perspective though, because as a good friend told me once, WE DONT KNOW SHIT. We don't. Many of us are waiting for the jump signal, anxious to say "how high" when some irreputable fuck on an ivory tower claims to have discovered the meaning of it all. No one should indulge in all the juice of someone's personal philosophy. Some sipping is fine, but excessive mental dependence on other people's constitutions is weak sauce, multiplied by lazy. Let's be cautious when admitting word combos in our universe of acceptance. Let's take that step back, scrutinize, and then make a choice if you have to. Inspired by an observational account of bullshit, I've sketched an action item list for those who wish to be open minded or shift paradigms...

1. Sit in different areas of your apartment, house, mansion, cardboard box, whatever, and then pull out the contrast-ascope.

2. Step out of the damn self and look through the eyes of a third person. My third person's name is Fred because he speaks like the voiceover guy from The Wonder Years, Fred Savage's Jimmeney Cricket.

3. BREAK OLD HABITS. I mean this in an experimental tone. Just experiment with the mind. Do different things. Do things
differently. Eat different bell peppers. Invent food dishes. Please.....give all class of music a chance.

4. As Robert Anton Wilson explained in his documentary Maybe Logic, that it's pretty much impossible for any one person to be right, or know the truth. Because the variables of space and time, things are always changing. I can look at an apple, call it an apple, and look back at it a month later and not see an apple. I could say it's a pile of mold. I referred to the same damn thing but I called it something else, whaaa? That's right. Mindfuck in action. (Thanks Jonathan for introducing me to this think tank. ) This brings me to the next one.

5. If you think someone's crazy, copy their life exactly. Eat shit, beg for food every 15 minutes, burn your face off, watch TV most of the day, etc. Since you can't, there's no way to affirm the inference of an individual being "crazy." No one's crazy. No one's weird. If you think so, fucking prove it.

I don't mean to sponge up concepts then pawn them off as my own, but this shit's necessary. The next time you decide to go to war on account of "A is better than B", you'll be able to say "wait, what the fuck is going on here?" We need more of that, no doubt. I'm starting to think I'm a hypocrite. Gulp.

1 comment:

DayDreamer said...

Very well said. Perspective is lost when the eyes can only see "I".